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Las Vegas, USA
Design, Guideline, Graphic & Signs
2023 CES에서 SK관은 탄소 배출 감축을 위한 우리 모두의 행동을 유도하는 “Together in Action” 메시지를 대형 미디어 아트를 통해 전달했습니다.
At CES 2023, SK Group delivered the message “Together in Action” which is for overcoming climate crisis and reducing carbon emissions behavior.
It also has “Future Marks” zone and “SK, around every corner” zone to show SK’s serious efforts in various business sector with significant LED display wall and media art.

스토리라인에 맞게 연출된 각 코너를 따라 펼쳐지는 미디어 월의 미러 반사 효과와 조명을 통해, 공간속에서 영상의 확장감과 몰입감을 극대화했습니다.
Visitors experienced understanding the messages of each zone along the storyline. The Zero Arcade zone encouraged participation in pledges and donations for eco-friendly behavior through roulette game methods. The mirror barrisol at media wall space was intended to expand and immerse the image of 3D graphics & Motions.

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