Las Vegas, USA
Design, Installation
“Delightful Life"를 만들어가는 두산의 수소, 친환경 에너지 솔루션 메시지를 Curved LED 스크린을 통해 보여주며 활기찬 공간 분위기를 조성했습니다.
At the 2022 CES, the DOOSAN Group booth introduced Doosan's hydrogen energy solutions & AI/ autonomous technology to create a “Delightful Life”. The message film of Delightful Life through the large Curved LED screen and the robot drum performance boosted up lively the atmosphere of the space.

수소 활용을 설명하는 디스플레이 월을 OLED 터치 투명 스크린으로 구현해, 관람객들이 동선을 따라 수소 밸류 체인의 흐름을 잘 이해할 수 있도록 설계했습니다.
The Hydrogen value chain corner, which explains hydrogen utilization implemented with OLED touch transparent screen, shows the flow of electricity, hydrogen, and thermal energy along with detailed explanation of each fuel cell, and is connected to a smart farm to understand the flow of hydrogen value chain to the visitors.